Sunday, November 22, 2015 - The BIGGEST Lego Database

Hellego! I will be showing you one of my top favourite Lego related websites. It's!

This is a fantastic website to find information on sets, parts, instructions, it's basically the biggest Lego database. I will very often use this website to gain useful information about my vintage sets. It is the most complete website built by members of the Lego community! I hope this site will end up being as useful to you as it has been to me! You can check out my video doing an overview of the website and you can visit Peeron here:

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Toronto Santa Claus Parade 2015 - Lego Float

Hellego! Here is a bonus post this week for you guys! When checking out the latest Lego Magazine this weekend, I was really interested to see what the Lego float looked like in the Toronto Santa Clause Parade. I was only able to check it out on TV so I was not actually there, but I will share with you my thoughts! Check it out!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Lego Diner MOC

Hellego! After spending a good amount of time without using my creativity, I finally decided to sit down and start building. Here is my latest MOC, a Diner! Let me know what you think!