Sunday, March 18, 2012

Building a Lego set in a bag!

Helego! I am going to build a Lego set in a bag! It is the Lego club TV that gave me the idea and it is called Build-In-Bag challenge. Hope you enjoy!


  1. the sound didnt work near the beginning. -NinjaPenguin

    1. It was maby just a bug. You now can become a member of my blog by going under "become a member of my blog" and clicking on the blue button saying "join this site"! I would love to have you as a member!


You can type in your comment and then, beside "comment as", click on the arrow and select "anonymous" or "name/URL". For the last one, I suggest you just enter in your name. Also, there is a little bug. You have to double click on "post comment". Not just one click or if not it will not work.