Sunday, June 23, 2013

Two years!

Hellego! Today marks the two year anniversary of CD's Lego Blog!

A lot has happened since I started this blog. I did a lot of cool stuff, learned lot's of new things and more and more people discover my blog and enjoy my content. I would like to thank all of you who support me and enjoy what I do. I am really proud to be part of the Lego community.

Here you can watch a stop motion I made to celebrate!


  1. Wow! Has it really been 2 years? That's wonderful! Happy anniversary and here's to many more. :D


You can type in your comment and then, beside "comment as", click on the arrow and select "anonymous" or "name/URL". For the last one, I suggest you just enter in your name. Also, there is a little bug. You have to double click on "post comment". Not just one click or if not it will not work.