Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Lego friends theme

Helego! There is this new Lego theme made for girls called Lego friends! I just want to start by saying that this is great because there has always been cool themes like Star Wars and Bionicle and stuff, but they were all pretty much for boys. But now this Lego theme is made for girls! So now all Lego fan girls can play with girl Lego! It is basically 5 friends called Mia, Emma, Andrea, Stephanie and Olivia! Each and every one of them has there own personality and set! Some like to party, some love animals and so every set is made for there personality! So the theme is basically stories that happen between friends and there daily life! I think it is fun because this is pretty much the first time Lego has done a theme of this style!

There is so much more to know about this theme that it is too long to say in one post so I would invite you to go and see the website!

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