Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Awesome Old Discontinude Theme - Jack Stone

Helego! One of my favourite themes when I was about 4 - 7 years old was definitely Jack Stone. Is is a discontinued theme that was really cool. Here is a picture of my collection:

The main idea of this theme is that this super hero, Jack Stone, would go around helping and saving people. He always had other people helping him in his job. All his trucks and other ways of transport were very cool!

Here is a picture of Jack Stone

There are different versions of him such as this one:

Here is an example of someone who helps him

What you are going to see next are pictures of every set I have.
First off, this set if very special to me. It is special because it was my very first ever Lego set! It is called 
Police Cruiser

This next set is called Aqua Res-Q Transport

The next set is called Fire Attack Team

Next, we have Dual Prop Turbo - an airplane!

Next, there is A.I.R. Patrol Jet - a second airplane. This time, much bigger!

 So thoughs are all the sets I have of Jack stone. By the way, that mat that is on the floor is an airport take off track that came with the  A.I.R. Patrol Jet set. So to finish off, here is a video I made!

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