Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ninjago spinner review Cole DX

Hope you like it!


  1. All right, Ninjago stuff!!! im gonna keep coming back. Though there aren't a lot of people visiting this place is there? -NinjaPenguin

    1. Well, I only started this summer so I've got to give it time. But each month I keep getting more people than the last. When I started, I was only getting about 50 a month. Now I'm like at 150-200 per month. So it keeps growing!

      P.S. Thanks for the comment! I always like getting comments!

  2. you dont seem to be getting a lot. -NinjaPenguin

    1. I know. I wich I got more comments like you! Guess most people don't know where to look.

    2. I had a Cole ZX but I lost him. hopefully I'll find him. Looking forward for your future posts.


You can type in your comment and then, beside "comment as", click on the arrow and select "anonymous" or "name/URL". For the last one, I suggest you just enter in your name. Also, there is a little bug. You have to double click on "post comment". Not just one click or if not it will not work.