Monday, July 8, 2013

Lego Chicken Restaurant MOC

Hellego! I am proud to present my latest MOC - The Chicken Restaurant!

I got the idea when I got my Chicken Suit Guy minifigure. I thought that the opening of the mask could be where the doors of the restaurant would be. On the outside, I put a lot of scenery on each side of the entrance to the parking lot. I put some grass, flowers and trees and even added a road at the front.

I also added some vehicles to the MOC. I used some already built and I also built some on my own. One build I am very proud of is the yellow pickup truck I made. I really like the design and simplicity of the pickup.

Here is a close-up view of the front of the restaurant

As you can see, I did my best to replicate the beak, the eyes and the comb (the red part at the top of the head). One part that was harder to do was make the comb centered with the beak. Finally, I used some jumper plates to center it. Also, to keep the beak solid, I used some plates. So to keep the model well proportioned, I added plates all around the building too. The roof was hard to do because it had to be white and so I used plates to stick the bricks together and then placed them on the top. This made the roof fragile so it was hard to then add the comb. In the end it gave a good result.

On one side of the restaurant I put a dumpster and on the other a small parking lot. There are also some tables to eat outside.

I left an opening in the back so you can see all the action that is going on inside. There is a counter where you order and also behind it there is the grill to cook the chicken. There is a table for eating and there is another counter where you can get your drinks and get you ketchup and mayonnaise if needed.

Now what is the menu you may ask? You can get a chicken breast, a chicken combo which is chicken, mashed potatoes and salad, a chicken sandwich, a double poulet which is a chicken sandwich with a chicken breast and you can always combine any of these orders with a drink.

Chicken Breast

Chicken Combo

Chicken Sandwich

Double Poulet

Chicken Sandwich With Drink

I hope you guys like my Chicken Restaurant MOC. All these pictures will be on my Flickr account which I suggest you follow. Please share this post and follow my blog! Here is a video doing a last over view of the model.

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