Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lego MOC: Easter bunny

Hellego! Next weekend is Easter so I thought to spice things up I would make an Easter bunny!

This was a very long but fun build. I kept having to change different things. The face was hard to do because I wasn't very sure how to make the eyes and the mouth. As you can see I combined the mouth part with the nose and just put printed bricks with eyes. I was really glade that I was able to use a bit of Technic pieces for the tail. The only thing I don't really like is how the arms turned out but they do the job!

To make it really an Easter bunny, I gave him a basket with eggs in it.

Of course it is possible to have it just as a regular rabbit.

Here is a back view of him with his tail.

I hope you guys like this MOC! Don't forget to share this post and subscribe to my blog!

Here is a video I made so that you can build it yourself for Easter!

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